Wednesday, September 20, 2023

From Newbie to Community Champion: Jeff's Success Story

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Introducing John ‘Jeff’ Barcelona, a name that's become synonymous with success at Goodwall. But let's get to know him better by his full name, John Jefrix Barcelona. Are you prepared to immerse yourself in the inspiring journey of Jeff Barcelona, who started as a newbie in Goodwall and evolved into a true champion as one of Goodwall's community managers? In this exclusive interview, we'll explore the challenges faced, the transformation experienced, and the valuable insights gained on the path to success. From handling emails to managing a thriving community, this interview is a must-read for anyone looking to excel in the world of community management.

Jeff Barcelona

Starting out as a newbie in the industry, what were some challenges you faced while dealing with queries and emails from users around the world? How did you overcome these challenges?

Actually, before Goodwall, I worked as an email agent in a BPO company. I am an experienced person handling bulk emails daily. Since Goodwall was a start-up company during the time that I started, the main challenge was escalation. There were times when you just needed to work by yourself. There were questions that you were unable to answer straight up. So to overcome that, I worked on my templates and thought of ways on how I may be able to escalate difficult concerns and have the solutions promptly.

It sounds like you had a transformative experience in your role. Can you describe how your approach evolved from the initial messiness to the successful management of the community?

I started as a part-time Community Specialist handling emails and messages from the Goodwallers. After a month, the company decided to hire me as a full-time staff. They've also decided to build a team of Community Moderators which I am managing until today. Normally, you start from being messy since eventually, you will always find ways to improve yourself. With the help of my team, we were able to build a strong engagement with the Goodwallers and make Goodwall a safe space for its members.

After two months, you were invited to join full-time. What qualities or contributions do you believe led to this opportunity, and how did it change your perspective on your career?

I think it is because of my ability to handle pressure and stress. During the time that I started, there was no process at all. You have to deal with everything by yourself. You need to learn fast so that you can cope with your tasks. Having these abilities and time management skills, maybe, that led them to decide to hire me as a full-time employee.

Working as a Community Manager involves connecting with diverse individuals. How did you adapt your communication style to effectively engage with people from various backgrounds?

By effective listening. It is really hard to deal with diverse people since they have their styles of communication however if you listen and observe, you can easily adapt and think about how to respond to each of the individuals. I always end with a positive note or by offering further assistance.

In a startup environment, agility is crucial. Can you share a specific instance where your ability to adapt quickly played a vital role in managing the community and its challenges?

Moderating the Goodwall feed especially the challenge pages and channels are the hardest. You have to quickly decide on everything. Every challenge has its own guidelines to follow. You have to adapt to any changes that sometimes it requires you to do immediately as it might affect the engagement and the challenge participations.

Beyond your professional achievements, what are some of your hobbies or interests that you pursue outside of work? How do these activities contribute to your personal growth?

I've been actively participating in our church activities. I have been a choir member since high school, it is more than 2 decades now I think. I am also a member of the Lectors and Commentators Ministry where we are proclaiming the readings for the daily mass. I am also continuously reading articles and social media posts that might help me in improving what I am doing with Goodwall. I am also planning to enhance my social media and digital tech skills. I am looking for online courses or maybe face to face classes.

As someone who has grown within Goodwall, what advice would you give to aspiring community managers who are just starting their careers in the industry?

Moderation can be a challenging task that requires patience and understanding. It's important not to rush to judgment but instead take the time to comprehend the unique cultures and backgrounds of the community members you're working with, especially in diverse settings. Building this understanding allows for more effective engagement.

Furthermore, a key aspect of successful moderation is a genuine passion for the role and a willingness to assist community members whenever needed. By approaching moderation with a sense of care and dedication, you can foster a positive and supportive environment for everyone involved.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations within the field of community management? Do you have any long-term goals or projects that you're particularly excited about?

In the field of community management, I aspire to continue developing and implementing strategies that enhance member engagement and satisfaction. In the long term, I'm excited about the prospect of spearheading projects that foster a sense of belonging and active participation within the community. I believe that by consistently working towards these goals, we can create a stronger and more vibrant community that benefits both its members and the organization.

In a role that requires both people skills and organizational abilities, can you share a specific example of how you successfully balanced these two aspects to achieve a positive outcome for the community and the company?

In everything, time management is important. You need to know your priorities. Learn how to say no. You can't do everything. You can try but do not promise that you will deliver it efficiently and accurately.


The interview with John 'Jeff' Barcelona, from a newbie to a community champion at Goodwall, offers a compelling narrative of growth and success in the realm of community management. Jeff's journey is one of dedication, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

As we wrap up this exclusive interview, it's evident that Jeff's ability to overcome challenges, his commitment to effective communication, and his passion for fostering a supportive community have been instrumental in his success. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring community managers, emphasizing the importance of patience, understanding, and a genuine dedication to the role.

Looking ahead, Jeff's aspirations in community management involve enhancing member engagement and creating a stronger, more vibrant community. With his proven track record, there's no doubt he'll continue to excel in this field.

We encourage you to share your thoughts, experiences, or questions in the comments section below. Jeff's journey highlights the boundless possibilities in community management, and your input is valuable as we collectively explore the exciting future of community engagement. Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey with Jeff Barcelona.



Saturday, September 9, 2023

From Classroom to AI Lab: A Teacher’s Journey into Data Science Realm

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu


In this exclusive interview, we have the pleasure of delving into the fascinating world of data science and machine learning with Román Josue de las Heras Torres, a seasoned Senior Data Scientist. His journey from being an educator in mathematics and science to becoming a pioneer in the field of data science illustrates the impact of combining different areas of knowledge and a strong commitment to lifelong learning.

Román Josue de las Heras Torres

Can you tell us about yourself?

 Certainly, I'm Román Josue de las Heras Torres, a Senior Data Scientist and passionate advocate for the world of data science and machine learning. My educational background in Systems Engineering and Mathematics naturally guided me into the realm of Data Science. Leveraging this unique blend of expertise, I've been involved in developing cutting-edge machine learning models, addressing forecasting challenges through time series analysis, and harnessing the power of NLP solutions.

 Can you describe your journey from being a mathematics and science teacher to becoming a Senior Data Scientist? How did your teaching experience influence your career in data science?

 My journey from the classroom to the world of data science has been incredibly rewarding. My years as a math and science teacher at a bilingual school in Honduras instilled in me the art of conveying complex concepts in accessible ways to children and teenagers. This experience of simplifying and communicating proved to be a cornerstone in my transition to becoming a Senior Data Scientist. It equipped me with the skill to bridge the gap between intricate data insights and a diverse range of stakeholders.

 During my teaching tenure, I honed my ability to break down challenging topics, making them understandable to students with varying levels of expertise. This skillset seamlessly transitioned to the world of data science, enabling me to effectively communicate complex findings to technical teams, non-technical decision-makers, and clients. It's this unique blend of pedagogical expertise and data science acumen that continues to drive my passion for teaching and creating meaningful data-driven solutions.

 What motivated you to pursue a combination of Systems Engineering and Mathematics in your education, and how has this interdisciplinary background benefited your work in data science?

 The drive to connect theory with practical application led me to pursue Systems Engineering and Mathematics. This interdisciplinary foundation provides me with a unique lens through which to approach data science challenges. It enriches my problem-solving capabilities, allowing me to synthesize diverse insights and develop holistic solutions.

 While taking my last class from the Mathematics area for the Systems Engineering career, I decided to pursue a degree in Mathematics as a simultaneous career as I could not see myself without Math classes at the University. It has been one of the best decisions in my life, and at the end I finished the Math career before Systems Engineering.

 Could you share a specific project where you applied machine learning to solve a challenging problem? What were the key takeaways from that project?

 Certainly. During my time at Sinch, I had the opportunity to fine-tune the main model for a QA search engine named "AskFrank." This engine powered multiple chatbots, showcasing the potential of AI-driven interactions even before the era of ChatGPT. This project underscored the significance of carefully calibrating models to address the nuances of natural language understanding. It highlighted the need for rigorous testing and refining of models to ensure accuracy and effectiveness in delivering valuable responses. The key takeaway was the critical role of continually improving models to create meaningful and valuable interactions with users.

 Data visualization is a crucial aspect of data science. Can you discuss your approach to creating effective data visualizations that convey complex insights to both technical and non-technical stakeholders?

 Absolutely, my approach to data visualization is rooted in storytelling techniques. I craft visuals that guide viewers through the data's narrative, ensuring that technical detail and approachability are carefully balanced. This strategy, informed by my experience at Goodwall and Sinch, ensures that the insights resonate with both technical experts and non-technical decision-makers.

 In the field of artificial intelligence, what recent advancements or trends are you particularly excited about, and how do you see them shaping the future of data science?

 The recent advancements in Explainable AI (XAI) and ethical AI practices hold immense promise. These trends align closely with my experience at Sinch, where I specialized in NLP and deep learning. As AI becomes more integral to our lives, these advancements are pivotal for fostering transparency, accountability, and responsible AI development.

 During your time as a laboratory instructor at the mathematics computer center, what valuable lessons did you learn about teaching and mentoring students in the field of mathematics and computer science?

 Being a laboratory instructor allowed me to appreciate the diverse learning styles and paces of students. Patience, clear explanations, and fostering a growth mindset are pivotal when guiding students in the intricate realms of mathematics and computer science. There was a group of students in particular that inspired me. They were not from a technical or mathematical area, since they belonged to the career of social work. Nevertheless, they showed a genuine interest in the class of Statistics and the lab course of the statistical software SPSS from IBM. Their reports were of high quality and they were able to apply what they learned from the class and lab on their graduate thesis. This allowed me to see that the ultimate goal as a Math teacher or lab instructor is to empower students to apply it in their daily life, at their jobs, or personal projects. For them, we must be the bridges between theory and practice.

 Could you provide an example of a situation where you had to use your problem-solving skills to overcome a significant technical challenge in a data science project?

 Certainly. I once encountered a bottleneck in data preprocessing that threatened to impede an entire project. The dataset was so big that fitting a model on a single machine was nearly impossible. I applied matrix compression techniques which I learned at my Mathematics degree to reduce the size of the dataset by more than 95%, enabling the training of the model on my own laptop. Leveraging distributed computing and optimizing algorithms allowed me to overcome this challenge. It was a reminder of the importance of creative problem-solving and the potential of innovative thinking. Nevertheless, applying a relatively old but established technique also made me realize that solutions that work do not need to be novel in order to have a positive impact in a project.

 How do you stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving tools and techniques in data science and machine learning? Can you recommend any resources or strategies for continuous learning in this field?

 Staying current in the dynamic landscape of data science is paramount. I achieve this through a combination of strategic resources. Engaging with online courses, blogs, and active communities like Kaggle, LinkedIn and GitHub keeps me informed about the latest trends and practices. Notably, I've also contributed my expertise through a course on Ensemble Methods in Python at DataCamp. Additionally, DataCamp serves as a valuable platform for both sharing and enhancing my own knowledge. The collaborative nature of open-source projects and engagement with fellow data scientists further fuels my growth and adaptation in this ever-evolving field.

 What role does ethical consideration play in your work as a data scientist, especially when dealing with sensitive data or developing AI applications? Can you share an experience related to this?

 Ethical considerations are paramount in data science, especially when dealing with sensitive information or developing AI systems. I remember a project where we were handling medical data. Adhering to stringent data protection regulations and ensuring patient privacy were non-negotiable priorities. This experience reinforced the importance of ethical responsibility in all stages of a project.

 Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring data scientists who are looking to build a career similar to yours, combining mathematics, engineering, and data science expertise?

 For all the bright minds who are embarking on the thrilling journey of data science, here's a compass to guide you on a path brimming with possibilities. First and foremost, lay down a robust foundation in both mathematics and programming – consider them as the sturdy pillars upon which you'll craft your data-driven dreams. With these skills in your toolkit, you're empowered to forge new trails in the world of data science.

 But remember, the road ahead isn't just about accomplishments; it's also about embracing the inevitable bumps and hurdles. Welcome failures as your allies in growth. Every stumble is a stepping stone toward a higher vantage point of understanding. Be fiercely curious, for it's the relentless curiosity that fuels the most remarkable breakthroughs. In a landscape where knowledge evolves at warp speed, your thirst for learning will set you apart.

 And here's where the real magic happens – within the spirit of collaboration. Engage with open-source projects, dance with diverse minds, and spark ideas through collaboration. The world of data science thrives on collective brilliance. Your ideas, your insights, and your fresh perspective are essential ingredients in the recipe of progress.

 So, to the aspiring data scientists of our youth today: Envision the future, embrace challenges, and embolden your journey. The data-driven universe awaits your creative touch.



‘We value your input and look forward to hearing your perspectives on data science, machine learning, and the exciting possibilities they hold for the future. Feel free to share your own experiences or ask any questions you may have in the comments section below. Let’s continue the conversation and explore the limitless potential of the data-driven universe together.’


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Netman: Crafting Humorous Beats and Catchy Lyrics - A Musical Journey

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Kenneth Opara, better known by his stage name, Netman, hails from Awo Mbieri, Umodafa in Mbaitoli L.G.A. Netman's journey in the music industry is a testament to dedication, creativity, and the ability to turn obstacles into stepping stones. From humble beginnings to becoming a household name, Netman's musical odyssey is a compelling narrative of passion, humour, and the pursuit of musical excellence. In this exclusive interview, we delve into his background, inspirations, and the secret behind the songs that have garnered him widespread acclaim.

Can you introduce yourself to our audience and tell us a bit about your background in the music industry?

I am Kenneth Opara, hailing from Awo Mbieri in Mbaitoli, L.G.A Umodofa. I attended Alvan Ikoku College of Education, and you may know me by my stage name, Netman. My journey into the world of music began in 2010 when I started writing and composing songs. However, due to financial constraints, I couldn't afford to record my music in a studio.

It wasn't until 2015 that I finally had the opportunity to step into a studio and record my first track, which I titled 'Bless Me Lord.' This track had a significant impact on my budding music career, catapulting me into the spotlight and earning me recognition and a growing fan base.

Encouraged by the success of my first track, I continued producing more songs. Over the years, I have released numerous tracks, with notable milestones in 2015, 2019, and 2020. In 2019, I had the privilege of collaborating with Slow Dog on a track titled 'Chinyem Ego,' which further solidified my presence in the music scene.

Today, I am proud to be a part of the music community in my area, and I remain committed to creating and sharing my music with my fans.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music, and how did your journey as a singer begin?

From my earliest memories, I have harboured a deep passion for music. This love for music was not merely a fleeting interest; it was a constant source of inspiration throughout my childhood. I would often find myself spontaneously composing songs, a process that initially involved jotting down lyrics on paper. Eventually, this creative spark became so ingrained in me that I no longer needed physical notes; everything was stored within my mind.

I vividly remember those moments in my village when I would spontaneously freestyle for the people gathered around me. The collective listening and appreciation from the crowd served as a powerful motivator. It was these experiences that fuelled my determination to take my songs from mere concepts to actual recordings in a professional studio.

My connection with music has always had a spiritual aspect as well. I started my musical journey as a gospel singer, and to this day, I continue to sing in church. However, my musical style has evolved over time, and I've found myself drawn to the energetic and performance-driven world of hip-hop. This genre allows me to express myself through music in a dynamic and engaging way that resonates deeply with my artistic sensibilities.

You collaborated with Slow Dog on the hit track ‘Chinayem ego, Okonakom’ in 2019. Can you share the story behind that collaboration and the creative process?

One of the significant milestones in my music career was the collaboration with Slow Dog on my hit track 'Chinyem Ego.' The inspiration behind this song stemmed from the financial challenges I was facing at that time. I felt compelled to create a song that would plead with God to bless me with financial stability. As a result, I decided to feature Slow Dog on this track.

Another noteworthy track in my repertoire is 'Okonakom.' This song had its inception when I encountered a captivating young lady with an enchanting figure that seemed to attract every gaze. As I found myself admiring her beauty, it evoked a certain restlessness in me, causing me to behave in unexpected ways and even scratching my body as if in response to the overwhelming allure of her presence. This song became immensely popular in Mbaitoli and is still widely recognised and appreciated to this day. It has firmly established my name in the music scene of Mbaitoli and beyond.

How would you describe your musical style and the unique elements that set you apart as an artist?

My music style is unique and stands out for its special and entertaining performances that bring joy to people. My performances are known for their comedic and playful elements, adding an element of humour and mischievousness to the music. Two of my tracks that are particularly infused with comedy are "Kurubaby" and "Okonakom."

In the "Kurubaby" track, I incorporate humour by performing alongside women who playfully demonstrate as I'm carrying them while singing. This playful and comical element adds a distinct flavour to the performance, leaving the audience entertained and in good spirits. It's all about creating a fun and memorable experience for my fans through music and humour.

Can you tell us about some of your musical influences and the artists who have inspired your work?

My music has not only brought me fame but has also taken me to various locations across Nigeria, including performances at hotels and participation in numerous local and even international trials, including the prestigious Hero trial where I achieved third place in the whole of Imo State. Additionally, I had the privilege of hosting a carnival in my community, Awo Mbieri, further strengthening my connection with my hometown.

Two artists who have greatly inspired my work are Flavour and Slow Dog. Their unique styles and musical creativity have had a profound influence on my own approach to music, and I draw inspiration from their talents as I continue to develop and evolve as an artist.

Your music often features a blend of different genres. How do you approach mixing genres to create a distinctive sound?

My music style is incredibly versatile and adaptable, making it a perfect fit for a wide range of song genres and collaborations. I pride myself on being an artist who can seamlessly integrate into various musical styles, ensuring that there is no type of beat or genre that cannot be incorporated into my unique style of music. This versatility allows me to explore and experiment with different sounds and create a diverse and engaging musical experience for my audience.

‘Chinayem ego and Okonakom’ received widespread acclaim. What do you think made that song resonate with so many listeners?

I believe that both "Chinyem Ego" and "Okonakom" are among the best songs in Imo State, and I'm confident that their appeal will continue to grow, eventually reaching a wider audience across the entire country. These two tracks are undeniably interesting and have the potential to captivate listeners far and wide, making them not only popular in Imo State but also nationwide. With their unique and engaging qualities, I am optimistic that they will indeed become widely recognised and appreciated songs.

What do you enjoy most about performing live, and do you have any memorable moments from your live shows that stand out to you?

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my live shows is the incredible interaction with my fans. I particularly cherish the moments when I'm performing, and my fans enthusiastically shout, clap, and express their joy, praising me for my music. This overwhelming support makes me feel like the best artist in those moments.

Before delving into my songs during a live show, I have a special affinity for freestyling without a beat. It's a way for me to introduce myself and establish a unique connection with the audience, setting the tone for the rest of the performance.

Another delightful part of my live shows is when my fans shower me with money as I sing. This gesture not only demonstrates their appreciation but also adds an extra layer of excitement and energy to the performance. It's a moment of mutual celebration between me and my fans that brings immense joy and satisfaction.

How has your music evolved since 2015, and can you share any upcoming projects or collaborations fan can look forward to?

Since I released my first track in 2015, my music has evolved in several ways. I've honed my songwriting skills, experimented with different musical genres, and expanded my creative horizons. While I initially focused on inspirational songs, I've also delved into more diverse themes and styles, allowing me to connect with a broader audience.

As for upcoming projects and collaborations, I'm excited to share that I have some exciting ventures on the horizon. I'm currently working on a new album that will showcase my growth as an artist and feature some exciting collaborations with talented musicians. While I can't reveal all the details just yet, I can assure my fans that there's a lot to look forward to in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates!

Lastly, can you share a message or advice for aspiring musicians who hope to follow in your footsteps?

For aspiring musicians who wish to follow in my footsteps, I have some advice to share. When creating your songs, pay special attention to crafting good lyrics that are not only interesting but also contains humorous and engaging words that capture people's attention and inspire them to listen repeatedly.

Take, for example, my track "Okonakom," which gained popularity due to the inclusion of the word "Okobakom." Such inventive and unique words can pique curiosity and draw listeners in, making them eager to understand the meaning behind these words.

Similarly, in my current hit track "Kurubaby," the term "Kurubaby" itself has become a point of interest and intrigue, prompting people to delve into the song to discover its meaning and context.

I would advise any up-and-coming artist aspiring to adopt my style of music to focus on creating funny words and lyrics. Consider incorporating Igbo lyrics mixed with Pidgin English to add that extra layer of humour and relatability to your music. This approach can help you connect with a wider audience and leave a lasting impression on your listeners.








Monday, September 4, 2023

From Trash to Treasure: Battling Plastic Pollution in Nigeria and Beyond

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Imagine you’re going for a walk or a drive in the lively streets of Nigerian cities. As you move along, it’s hard to miss something quite striking – there are plastic things thrown everywhere, like old friends who’ve overstayed their welcome.

When you decide to cool off with a swim in one of Nigeria’s beautiful rivers, you might think you’re escaping the plastic clutter on land, which sounds refreshing, right? Well, think again. Even in the tranquil waters, you might discover yourself floating amidst a sea of abandoned plastic stuff, like unwelcome guests at a party. It’s a sight that’s hard to ignore and tells a story of its own about our environment.

The scale of this issue is truly staggering. Millions of plastic products are manufactured and sold every year, but a significant portion of them is carelessly discarded after a single use. As a result, millions of these plastics end up in various undesirable locations each year, including gutters, unregulated dumping sites, remote natural areas, and scattered along roadsides, where they can take centuries to break down.

What’s even more concerning is the alarming rate at which plastic waste is finding its way into our oceans and streams. Each year, approximately eight million tonnes of plastic are tossed into the ocean or flowing water. Some researchers predict that this figure could double by 2025, while others suggest that our oceans may contain more plastic than fish by the year 2050.

This is not just an environmental problem; it’s a critical global issue that demands immediate attention and action. If we don’t address plastic pollution urgently, it will continue to harm our planet, wildlife, and future generations.

Plastic pollution, which encompasses the accumulation of various plastic items such as bottles and broken chairs, is a pressing issue. In Nigeria, the annual generation of plastic waste is estimated to reach a staggering three million tonnes, making it the largest plastic waste producer in Africa. Unfortunately, only a mere ten percent of this vast quantity is recycled, leaving the remaining plastics to infiltrate our environment, leading to ocean pollution and harm to our ecosystems.

This problem of plastic waste extends beyond Nigeria’s borders; it is a global challenge. In the 20th century, plastic was hailed as a revolutionary material that transformed industries, economies, and our everyday lives. However, a significant driver of the plastic waste crisis is the sheer volume of plastic produced each year, spanning from packaging to consumer goods, as plastics have become indispensable in modern society. In 2019, global plastic production reached a staggering 368 million metric tonnes, a number that continues to rise steadily.

It is alarming to note that since the 1950s, over 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastic have been produced globally, with only a small fraction being recycled or incinerated. This mounting production and inadequate disposal practices have created an immense challenge for our planet, one that requires urgent attention and global cooperation to mitigate the detrimental impacts of plastic pollution.

Plastic production in Nigeria is on the rise, mirroring the growth in population, which is projected to increase from its current 220 million to an estimated 401 million by 2050. However, there is a positive trend emerging in Nigeria, where individuals are actively taking steps to reduce plastic waste. They are doing this by collecting discarded plastics from dumps or the roadside and sending them for recycling, where they can be transformed and repurposed, serving the community once again.

The question that arises is a pertinent one: if these plastics can be recycled and put to good use, why litter them around to pollute our environment? This proactive approach to plastic waste management not only helps reduce pollution but also highlights the importance of recycling and responsible disposal practices. It reflects a growing awareness of the need to protect our environment and demonstrates the potential for positive change when communities take action to address plastic pollution.

Kelechi Igwe, a plastic scrap collector from Ebonyi State, stood amidst piles of plastic waste at his workplace, beaming with pride as he shared how he contributes to cleaning up our environment.

He explained, ‘I believe that nothing should go to waste. Take, for instance, these plastics lying all around the streets. Since people have realised they can earn money from their plastic waste, the litter has decreased. After people finish collecting the plastic waste, they bring it to us for processing. Before we grind the plastics in our machine, we carefully separate the different colours. Then, we send the ground-up plastics to other states where they’re used to make chairs, containers, waterproof materials, lightweight plastics, and more. It’s a wonderful feeling to know I’m making a positive contribution to the world.’

A warm smile lit up his face as he spoke about how trash could be turned into valuable items that people would appreciate once again.

He continued, ‘If everyone collected plastics and sent them for recycling, we wouldn’t just be saving our environment, but also helping protect animals and sea creatures.’

Kelechi’s dedication to recycling plastics serves as an inspiring example of how individuals can play a crucial role in keeping our environment clean and reducing the harm caused by plastic pollution.



Friday, September 1, 2023

Nigeria’s Looming Crisis: The Soaring Cost of Living and Global Implications

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

In the bustling markets of Nigeria, where once vibrant colours and enticing aromas beckoned customers, a palpable unease now permeates the air. The relentless surge in the cost of foodstuffs has thrust both traders and consumers grappling with economic challenges that ripple through their daily lives.

The surging food prices have struck a severe blow to the livelihoods of traders who now grapple with dwindling clientele and empty stalls. Customers, increasingly scarce, are deterred by exorbitant costs, and some find themselves drowned in debt. The situation is dire, with even the simple act of selling a bag of rice transformed into a formidable task. This predicament extends far beyond rice, impacting various foodstuffs, leaving traders in a constant state of unease as prices fluctuate unpredictably.

Coping with this relentless financial strain has become a herculean task for traders. Daily expenses double overnight, and they urgently implore the government to extend a hand of financial support in this dire hour of need. In a soaring price environment, the capital required for buying and selling goods feels like an elusive mirage. Government intervention is essential as hunger takes an ever-tightening grip on the populace, exacerbating their hardship.

The link between fuel prices and the struggles of the masses is unmistakable. A surge in fuel costs sends shockwaves through the market, leading to a ripple effect with prices of essential goods soaring. An earnest appeal to the government resonates among traders who seek the stabilization of fuel prices. Market dwellers endure unprecedented difficulties, struggling to make ends meet as marketplaces languish. Hope persists that normalcy will soon return.

Since the onset of these price hikes, customer bases have dwindled significantly. A bag of rice, once priced at 35,000 Naira, now commands between 40,000 and 45,000 Naira. Even the most basic items, like a cup of rice, have witnessed prices escalate from 150 Naira to 180 and even 200 Naira due to relentless increases. The primary driver behind these price hikes is undoubtedly the fuel subsidy, compelling consumers to become increasingly selective in their purchases. Confidence lingers that normalcy can be restored if the government takes meaningful steps to address this subsidy issue.

In a nation where economic stability is coveted by all, it becomes imperative to address the underlying factors contributing to the escalating cost of living. The call for action on the fuel subsidy issue resonates deeply with Nigerians, who yearn for a return to a more stable and affordable way of life.

In the midst of these challenges, the people of Nigeria unite in their plea to the government. The cost of living soars, and the burden on traders and consumers alike becomes unbearable. Immediate action is imperative to alleviate this hardship, restore stability to the markets, and ensure access to affordable food. The future of many hinges on this imperative.

Nigeria is not alone in grappling with rising living costs. Shockingly, the country’s inflation rate has reached 22.41%, the highest in 17 years. This surge affects everyday essentials, straining people’s wallets and complicating financial management.

One contributing factor to this surge in the cost of living is the depreciation of the Naira compared to the US dollar. This depreciation has made it more expensive for Nigerians to purchase goods from other countries, resulting in the erosion of their purchasing power.

The escalating cost of living in Nigeria is making it increasingly challenging for people to afford their necessities. This predicament ripples through society, affecting individuals, families, and the nation's economy as a whole. It's akin to a complex puzzle where all the pieces are interconnected: when prices soar, it diminishes people's spending power, subsequently impacting businesses and employment opportunities.

Another significant factor contributing to the rising cost of living in Nigeria is the steep and relentless increase in fuel prices. Over the past two years, the cost of fuel has skyrocketed by over 100%, sending shockwaves throughout the economy. This has resulted in higher prices across a wide range of goods and services, placing added financial strain on the populace.

The spike in fuel costs has taken a heavy toll on the daily lives of Nigerians. An increasing number of individuals and families are grappling with challenges in affording basic necessities, including food, housing, and healthcare. This economic strain exacerbates existing disparities and hardships, intensifying levels of poverty and inequality within the nation.

In response to this pressing issue, the Nigerian government has taken measures to address the surging cost of living. Notably, the Central Bank of Nigeria has implemented strategies, such as raising interest rates, in an attempt to curb the rising prices. Additionally, the government has committed to providing subsidies to alleviate the financial burden placed on essential items like food and fuel.

Despite these proactive steps, the trajectory of the cost of living continues to ascend. It is increasingly evident that a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of this crisis. The government must take substantial measures to tackle core issues, including rectifying the devaluation of the Naira and addressing the underlying factors contributing to the escalating fuel prices.

As Nigerians grapple with the consequences of these economic challenges, they are turning to their government for a comprehensive and effective response. This response must aim to alleviate the burdens faced by the population and pave the way for a more balanced and prosperous future for all.

In this intricate web of rising living costs, the hopes of millions are pinned on a responsive and comprehensive government strategy that can untangle the complexities and bring relief to a nation in need.

It’s not just Nigeria; numerous countries across the globe are grappling with the daunting challenge of soaring living costs. This predicament presents a formidable task for governments and leaders worldwide as they seek to manage this crisis without exacerbating economic woes.

The escalation in the global cost of living is a matter of profound concern. It extends far beyond Nigeria, affecting nations worldwide as prices surge in many places. This poses a substantial dilemma for decision-makers at the helm of these countries. They must devise solutions that alleviate the burden on their citizens without inflicting further harm on already fragile economies.

As leaders work tirelessly to find effective solutions, ordinary individuals and families must also chart a course through these higher costs. Here are some practical suggestions:

Prudent Spending: Cut down on spending for non-essential items, focusing on necessities.

Smart Shopping: Seek the best prices and deals when shopping for goods and services.

Home Cooking: Consider cooking more meals at home as an economical way to save money.

Public Transportation: Opt for cost-effective public transportation, such as buses and trains, over expensive taxis or personal vehicles.

Utilize Government Assistance: If the government provides financial assistance, ensure it is utilized wisely to meet critical needs.

Small Savings: Embrace a mindset of saving money whenever possible, even though minor adjustments.

By implementing these small changes, individuals and families can contribute to effectively managing their expenses during these challenging times of rising living costs. In the global struggle against escalating prices, every effort counts towards achieving economic stability and prosperity for all.


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