Friday, January 26, 2024

Finding Your Voice, Finding Your Win: BahBah Richie's Message Hits the Beat

By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu


Ever experienced the sense of being overlooked or forgotten? BahBah Richie certainly has, and rather than letting it bring him down, he transformed those feelings into the empowering anthem, 'Kapital No.' In this exclusive interview, BahBah Richie shares the inspiration behind the song, shedding light on moments when he felt a bit left behind.

Join us as BahBah Richie shares his own story of overcoming challenges, connecting with listeners, and using music as a force for good. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and maybe even find your own inner "Winnerman."

"Kapital No" sends a strong message about staying strong and winning. Can you tell us about a time in your life that inspired the lyrics and the idea of being a 'winnerman'?

Well, it happened when I noticed almost everyone around me wanted to forget about me. The inspiration to be a 'winnerman' has always been in my blood. The ideas for the lyrics came from my life experiences, confirming that I am naturally a winner in my musical journey.

The song talks about believing in winning. How do you think this positive message can connect with your listeners and encourage them in their own journeys?

The positive message of winning is a universal theme. I've received messages from listeners sharing how a specific line in one of my songs motivated them during a tough time. Knowing that my music resonates with their struggles and encourages them on their journey is immensely fulfilling.

Your lyrics mention facing challenges. How do you use your experiences to connect with listeners and inspire them to overcome obstacles?

Honestly, I've faced a lot in my life and career. Despite the challenges, I always come out on top, and that's why I share the realities of my victories through my songs. I want my listeners to secure their own wins by practicing and believing in themselves.

The term 'Kapital No' is distinctive. What does it mean to you, and why did it become the song's title?

 'Kapital No' is different from my other song titles. I use it to tell doubters that I'm always real and not afraid to be different. It's my way of expressing my inner voice to those who never believed in or expected good things from me.

Besides 'Kapital No,' do you have other favourite songs in your collection? What makes them special for you?

Yes, I do. All the songs in my collection are special because the lyrics speak about real experiences. Each song carries a distinctive emotional weight, making them not just music but a mirror to the moments, joys, and challenges of life that resonate deeply with me.

Your music combines powerful messages with catchy beats. How do you balance creating music that is both meaningful and enjoyable for your audience?

It comes naturally to me. I enjoy the applause from my audience when they cheer for me. Creating songs that are enjoyable and meaningful is what I love spending my time and energy on because it reflects my reality.

If you could collaborate with any artist, living or passed, who would be your dream collaboration, and what kind of song would you create together?

The industry is vast with great artists, 2baba and Burna Boy have been major influences in my musical journey. If I had the opportunity to collaborate, I envision an energetic anthem that captures the essence of our collective experiences. The song would embody inspiration, motivation, and the true realities of life.

Outside of music, what are some of your passions or interests that fans might not know about?

Apart from music, a hidden passion of mine is creating designs, especially in the realm of fashion. I find joy in sewing and experimenting with different styles. It's a creative outlet that brings a different kind of satisfaction.

The music industry is always changing. How do you see your sound evolving, and are there any new genres or styles you're excited to explore in the future?

Every day brings change, and I'll always work on my sound to reflect the joy and happiness of my listeners. I'll stay true to positive vibes and never change negatively.


BahBah Richie's journey is marked by strength and victory, shining in the empowering anthem, 'Kapital No.' Have you ever felt the motivation to overcome challenges through music? Share your experiences and thoughts below! What's your favorite BahBah Richie song, or do you have your own personal anthem? We'd love to hear from you – drop a like, leave a comment, and let's connect over the power of music and positivity!

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