Sunday, November 8, 2020

The moment I met you ( chapter 20)

 By Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

‘Perhaps, you love him from a distance?’ Andrew lifted his hot steaming tea to his lips. ‘I get it… Destiny will draw both of you close,’ he said with an assuring smile. He seemed optimistic.                                                               

Chioma nodded with a smile.                                                                           

‘My sister looks beautiful,’ Andrew said changing the subject. ‘But not as beautiful as mum’. He teased Chioma, turning his head to look proudly at Louisa who walked out with a plate of fried plantain and fried eggs. She was wearing a pink apron adorned with rose flowers.                                        

Chioma giggled. She didn’t believe she was beautiful. She knew that her beauty wasn’t the type to awe people but her facial features were delicate and easy to remember. Her mother was beautiful just like Andrew. Chioma had gotten her not too beautiful looks from her father. Although Louisa was almost 50 years old, she still looked young and sweet, radiating elegance despite selling fruits in the hot scorching sun of the open-market not too far from here that they live.                             
‘It’s almost eight, Chioma. You have to go early to be accepted,’ Louisa said, heading back to the kitchen.                                                                   

Chioma nodded, hastily eating her breakfast. She wiped the corners of her mouth with her handkerchief when she was done with breakfast.                                                                                                                      

It was just before eight thirty when they left the house. Andrew went to the garage where he worked; Louisa pushed her fruit cart to the market while Chioma went to Grace shopping mall, one of the most luxurious shopping malls in the city to submit her CV.                                               

To save money for lunch, Chioma decided to walk to the junction before boarding a taxi to the shopping mall. She was in a simple blue cotton dress; her hair was neatly tied up, revealing her graceful neck. 

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